How To Convert Text Message To Voice Massage Without Using Any Application Software
How To Convert Text Message To Voice Massage Without Using Any Application Software
Hello Guys,
Today I have something good for you and i.e convert text message to voice. By following these steps you can convert the text message to voice message.
Step 1. Open the notepad from Start>All Programs>Accessories.
Step 2. Now, copy-paste the following code in the text area.
Msg=InputBox(“Enter your text for conversion: For Ex. Hello.“,”TechnoCrazze: Text2Speech Converter”)
Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
Sapi.Speak msg
Step 3. Open File>Save as
Step 4. Then in the save as dialog box enter any name for the file with the extention .vbs and click on save.
Step 5. Now, open the file that you had saved.
Step 6. Enter the text which you want to convert to speech.
Step 7. Click on OK button.
That’s it, now you will see the pure magic of Windows. After the Dialog box closes you will here what you had actually typed in the dialog box to Convert Text into Speech in Windows by using notepad. You will be thrilled to know that your text has been converted in to speech.
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